Seasons greetings from the whole team here at Unstoppable Teen ☺
‘Tis the season to be jolly! Unfortunately, not everyone is filled with joy and happiness right now. Some people are finding it difficult to smile and can’t wait for it all to be over.
Perhaps your family is struggling at the moment, maybe you feel alone, experienced a recent loss, don’t have much money or have other issues on your mind. Whatever is troubling you, know that we’re here for you and we’re on your side.
This episode of The Unstoppable Teen Podcast identifies one simple thing everyone can do to be happy during this holiday season. The good news is that it won’t cost you a penny. All you need is an open mind and a few minutes of your time to learn what researchers have discovered makes a massive difference to your level of happiness.
Click on the player above to listen now!
You will learn:
- Where you can watch a thought-provoking video that might change your approach to experiencing more happiness (2:08)
- How the unconscious mind gives in to advertising and often convinces us to look in the wrong places for happiness (2:32)
- Why receiving gifts is nice, but it’s not the source of the deeper and longer lasting sense of joy that we’re all capable of experiencing (3:33)
- How your level of gratitude is directly linked to your level of happiness (4:39)
- A quick exercise you can complete to immediately generate 4% more joy in your life (5:15)
- An extra task you can do if you want to instantly experience 19% more happiness (6:24)
- How having an attitude of gratitude creates happiness that lasts longer than receiving expensive gifts (7:57)
- Why it’s so important for people who are struggling to focus on the things they are thankful for (8:29)
- Where you can access our entire back catalogue of success strategies for teenagers, parents and teachers (10:04)
Watch the brilliant SoulPancake video that Kevin talks about in this episode
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Sharing is caring!
Please help us make a difference by sharing this episode of The Unstoppable Teen Podcast with your nearest and dearest. In particular, please pass it on to anyone you know who is feeling a bit down in the dumps at the moment because the ideas herein could be just the thing they need to help them get back to their best.
Be sure to share your happiness advice in the comments section below.
Finally, please send us your questions and let us know what we can do to help you. You can get in touch with us via our social media channels or email
Thanks for listening!