Looking for inspiration? Ever thought about forming your own band, starting a new sport or conquering YouTube? Perhaps now this the time for you to find new adventures and pursue your goals.
More and more people are creating their own “bucket list”, which is basically a list of all the things they want to do before they die. Writing a bucket list makes you think about your future and focus on the things that will bring more happiness into your life.
The question is… What should you put on your bucket list? What do you really want to have, do and experience before you die? The possibilities are endless!
Listed below are some of the most common things teenagers put on their buck lists. We hope hope this list inspires you and gives you some ideas about what you could do to create more happiness in your life.
Let’s go!
Fun and Adventure
1. Catch your favourite band at a live event.
2. Experience a stand-up comedy gig.
3. Have a go at group karaoke – stronger together!
4. Take a trip to the theatre to see a fabulous show.
5. Visit Disneyworld in Florida (and wear Mickey ears for a funny selfie).
6. Learn to surf in Hawaii. Aloha!
7. Snowboard in the Alps. Whoa!
8. Take on the Three Peaks Challenge (threepeakschallenge.uk). Then…
9. Trek to the Base Camp of Mount Everest.
10. Visit every continent on the planet and share your experiences with the world.
11. Have a flying lesson. Then…
12. Fly to space (we can all dream)
13. Drive a racing car.
14. Snaffle a ticket to Glastonbury for a lifetime of memories.
15. Learn to rock climb.
16. Paintball your pals.
17. Sleep under the stars, then…
18. Watch a sunrise together.
19. Enroll at a scuba school.
20. Take a spin in a go-cart.
21. Go up, up and away in a hot air balloon.
22. Ride a horse, and if you can do that, jump a fence!
23. Have a campfire on a beach (just make sure it’s out before you leave!).
24. Host a dinner party – what will you cook?
25. Book up for white water rafting.
Please share your bucket list ideas in the comments section below .
Click here to get even more bucket list ideas for teenagers >>>