We believe everyone can have a fantastic future. That includes you!
Lots of people focus on the results they want to experience in their life (e.g. good grades in school, a well-paid career, etc.).
However, we focus on the little things that lead to those results because if you take care of these critical factors the results tend to take care of themselves.
The question is…
What has been PROVEN to help young people experience more success and happiness?
Nobody can guarantee anything in life but *research shows there are 21 simple things you can do to stack the odds of success and happiness in your favour.
Here are the critical factors that researchers around the world have discovered make a big difference in young people’s lives:
- Your level of HOPE for the future (including the aspirations, ideas and energy you have for your life).
- Your level of ENGAGEMENT in your own personal development (including your involvement in and enthusiasm for learning).
- Your awareness of your personal STRENGTHS and doing what you’re good at.
- The level of your PARENTS’ or CARERS’ engagement in your growth and development.
- Having TEACHERS who inspire you.
- Having a MENTOR, COACH or ROLE MODEL who regularly gives you personal help and guidance.
- Regularly giving and receiving FEEDBACK with your teachers and mentors.
- Having positive FRIENDS and PEERS who encourage you.
- Whether you have a GROWTH MINDSET rather than Fixed Mindset.
- Your level of GRIT, RESILIENCE and PROBLEM SOLVING skills.
- The quality of your LEARNING and THINKING skills.
- The quality of your COMMUNICATION skills.
- Your ability to work in a TEAM and learn in a TEAM.
- Your ability to LEAD, HELP and TEACH your peers.
- Your level of ENERGY, HEALTH and WELLBEING.
- Your participation in SPORTS and PHYSICAL EXERCISE.
- Your participation in PERFORMING ARTS and EXTRA CURRICULAR activities.
- Your level of GRATITUDE.
So how many of these critical factors have you mastered? And how many do you need to improve if you’re going to create the life of your dreams?
Of course, nobody is perfect and we’ve all got lots to learn.
The good news is that everything on the list above is learnable. It doesn’t matter what other people in your family have done or what your past was like, you can do things to improve your future.
The FASTEST way to increase your success and happiness
You don’t need to reinvent the wheel or figure out the secrets to success and happiness on your own because other brilliant people have already done it for you.
The ingredients are listed above. Obviously, the fastest way to increase your success and happiness is to do these things that are proven to work.
Frustratingly, you’re unlikely master all of the 21 essentials (listed above) in school because only some of them are included in the national curriculum.
That’s why we strongly recommend you use some of your evenings, weekends and holidays to do things that will enable you to master these essentials.
What are you going to do to improve the things that are PROVEN to help young people experience more success and happiness?
Please know that Unstoppable Teen is here to help you.
We encourage you to complete the Unstoppable Teen Success Survey three times every year to keep track of the things that are proven to increase success and happiness. Remember, what you measure you’re more likely to master.
We also deliver performance coaching programmes in schools and create online resources designed to help young people upgrade their skills in the 21 factors that are proven to increase success and happiness.
You might want to check out these FREE resources from Unstoppable Teen: