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5 inspiring teen role models who have released their inner winner

We’re all conditioned to thinking that success beyond the classroom only happens when we leave education. But there’s nothing to stop you making a difference now. Here are a few of our favourite teen role models from around the globe. All have worked hard and have emerged from very different backgrounds. It doesn’t matter who… Continue reading 5 inspiring teen role models who have released their inner winner

Improve your exam performance inside and out

The moment’s looming when you’re going to walk into that exam hall and show the exam paper who’s boss. How you cope with the moment can be transformed with a few mental tools. First and foremost the key to walking any challenge is in the preparation. Try out these internal and external tips to help… Continue reading Improve your exam performance inside and out

Revision tips to boost your brain and relax your body

Fed up looking at books throughout your revision period? Don’t forget that last minute revision is also your time to enjoy this moment on the mountain peak. You’ve scaled that mound of classwork and you’ve earned the right to sit back and look around you. You may not realise it but this is an important… Continue reading Revision tips to boost your brain and relax your body