FREE Video For Parents
40-Minute Mini Masterclass!

The #1 Thing That Determines Your Teen's Grades

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FREE Coaching Video

How to help your teen succeed in school


Extensive research by international researchers has identified the #1 thing that determines student’s grades in high school

Not only does this “thing” (that’s a technical term!) have a massive impact on grades, researchers also say its proven to be the most accurate predictor of your teen’s school attendance, the quality of their behaviour, and their achievement levels after high school.  

This is HUGE!

And it’s not what most people think…  

Do you want to know what the researchers discovered?

More importantly, do you want to know how to do it so you can help your teen achieve more of their potential?

If so, you’re in the right place because Kevin Mincher reveals the research and identifies a simple 4-step strategy that any parent can use to empower their teenage sons and daughters.

Kevin Mincher is one of the world’s leading youth development experts. Since 1997 more than 350,000 young people have completed his Unstoppable Teen programmes. He has also been called upon by 250+ schools, professional sports teams, charities and interntaional companies to help our youth generation thrive.

This is Kevin’s first ever online master class for parents of teenagers

To get instant access to to this FREE 40-minute video and accopmanying guide, simply click the green button on the right of this page and enter your details. We’ll then send the coaching video and supporting PDF straight to your email inbox.

What’s not to love about that? 

Click the green button and get involved now >>

FREE Coaching Video

Get the PDF summary too!


This FREE supporting PDF includes:

✓ A summary of the key points in the video

✓ Questions for you and your teen to consider

✓ Recommended resources

✓ Useful web links  

✓ And much more!


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